
We tailor our services to meet your needs

Every client is different and has different needs and goals. That’s why we tailor all our services for you.

From your first phone call or online booking, to your consultations, through to your final session, we make sure that you receive individual attention so you can make the most of your time with us. 

And as you complete each phase, you’ll feel a sense of achievement. Your success means everything to us.


Whether your challenges are emotionally based, or relate to your belief system and patterns of reaction, we always deliver your treatments with a compassionate approach.


Before we see a child, we meet with their parents to find out what’s happening with their child, and why they have concerns. We use this information to help us create a tailored program that’s appropriate for their child’s age and needs.


We use tests and other assessment tools to measure and observe behaviour to arrive at a diagnosis so we can determine the right treatment plan for you.